Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Voting ends in Liberia 23rd August National Referendum

Voting ends in Liberia 23rd August referendum with the Liberia's Election Coordinating Committee (ECC), which deployed 400 elections observers throughout 15 counties reporting that voting was peaceful.

The referendum was marred with an error on the ballot paper in reference to proposition 2 which seeked to change the tenure of Supreme Court judges from 70 to 75 years. Instead of giving an option of 70 years on one hand and 75 years on the other hand, the voters were asked to vote "yes" for 75years and "No" to 75years.

Bobby Livingston of National Elections Commission (NEC) confirmed this error and stated that NEC was aware of the problem. But added that, the problem will in no way affect the results for that particular proposition since voters will still be answering "yes" or "no" to the question in the middleof the ballot paper which states that "do you want the retirement age of Justices of the Supreme Court and judges of subordinate courts of record to be increased from 70 to 75 years."

Commenting on the error by NEC, Secretary General, Acarous Moses Gray, of the major opposition, Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) "This fraud has brought the credibility of the commission to disrepute" and called for the total restructuring of the NEC for the conduct of the presidential and legislative elections.

According to NEC, a proposition shall be considered approved when it receives two-thirds majority of total valid votes cast, "the final results will be announced to the public within 15 days of the voting.


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